I appreciated how understanding and supportive my reader was. It felt like I was being told exactly what the universe needed me to hear in that moment.
Lara T.
They were able to articulate my needs, and give me insight into some things I was already feeling deep down. Overall great experience
Ciara S.
I am immeasurably grateful for Alessia`s wise, healing, mystical care and guidance. It has been and continues to be profoundly meaningful.
Mary K.
Mariah is so caring and you can feel her empathy and genuine love for people in every reading she does. She`s always been spot on for me in what I know I need to hear.
Rebecca is amazing! She is a safe and wondering being illuminating your way and highlighting the wisdom within you.
She read the energies perfectly and channeled reassuring and helpful messages that helped calm me while I was navigating a difficult situation in my life.
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